Problem and Solution
Problem Statement:
Many organizations struggle to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace. Staff members may not fully understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion or how to promote these values in the workplace. Additionally, traditional methods of training and education can be dry and unengaging, making it difficult to maintain staff members' attention and retention of information.
Solution Statement:
A gamified learning experience on diversity, equity, and inclusion can provide an engaging and effective way to educate staff members on these important values. The game could include scenarios and challenges that allow staff members to practice identifying and addressing instances of bias and discrimination in the workplace. Points and rewards could be offered for completing challenges and demonstrating an understanding of the concepts. The game could also incorporate real-life examples of diversity and inclusion in action, showcasing the benefits of these values to the organization and its employees. By creating a fun and interactive learning experience, staff members are more likely to retain the information and put it into practice in their daily work.
Using ADDIE Adult Learning Theory to create the learning experience.
The Process
When designing this learning experience, I made sure to have a detailed plan that includes learning objectives, assessment strategies, and content organization. I carefully selected different delivery methods and technologies, such as videos, knowledge checks, and group discussions. I created an action map or prototype outlining the sequence of learning activities and interactions to guide the development process. Throughout the design process, I sought feedback from stakeholders and subject matter experts to ensure its effectiveness and incorporated it into the design plan and prototype.
I thoroughly analyzed the characteristics of the adult learners who would be participating in the game. This involved understanding their existing knowledge of DEI principles, preferred learning styles, and any potential barriers to engagement. Additionally, I assessed the learning environment and available resources, whether physical or virtual, to ensure that the game was tailored to the specific context.


Based on the analysis, I established clear and measurable learning objectives for the game, focusing on outcomes such as recognizing unconscious bias, understanding the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and applying DEI principles in the workplace. I then determined the game format, including the types of puzzles, challenges, and scenarios that aligned with adult learning principles and promoted engagement and active learning. Creating a detailed design plan outlining the sequence of activities and the content to be covered was essential at this stage.
In the development phase, I created the game materials, which included physical props, written instructions, digital content, and multimedia elements. It was crucial to ensure that these materials were aligned with the learning objectives and adult learning principles, providing opportunities for exploration, problem-solving, and reflection.

The choice board I created and embedded into the LMS. It made it easy for the participating educators to self identify their level of expertise in blended learning. It challenged the fixed mindset teachers to give themselves a goal by wanting to grow to be advanced.

During implementation, I conducted a pilot test of the game with a small group of adult learners to assess its effectiveness. This allowed me to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments based on their input. Additionally, I prepared the facilitators who guided the participants through the game and provided support as needed.

Finally, I evaluated the effectiveness of the game by assessing the participants' achievement of the learning objectives and their application of DEI principles throughout and after the game. Gathering feedback from the participants and facilitators was essential to identify strengths and areas for improvement in the game design and implementation. I used the evaluation results to make revisions and enhancements to the game, ensuring that it continued to align with adult learning theory and effectively promoted understanding and application of DEI principles.